There is a detailed digital (PDF) INDEX to the contents of Angles and its predecessor, VGCC News, covering the period 1980 to 1998. (Vancouver Gay Community Centre Society) ISSN 0824-2100. (Ninth Avenue Media), Toronto and New York theBUZZ Magazine (Greater Toronto Area).Wayves (Halifax: Wayves Collective ISSN 1713-1057).(Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario) OCLC 43780256. See the following website: Our Collections. Probably the most comprehensive list and largest collection of Canadian and international LGBT periodicals is at the ArQuives in Toronto. (International Lesbian & Gay Association, European Region) ISSN 1378-577X. (Kulturverein Schwulesbisch in Gumpendorf) OCLC 24646763. (Homosexuelle Initiative Wien) OCLC 30122454. (XTRA! Verein für Gesundheitsinformationt), national Vangardist – Progressives Männer Magazin.(Linz : Verein zur Förderung der Information über Schwule, Lesben und TransGender-Personen) OCLC 52802306. (Evolution Pub., Gay in WA Holdings) OCLC 437301176. , also ISSN 0816-4290, Victorian sister publication of Sydney Star Observer (Inter-Prime Publications) ISSN 1443-1122. The most comprehensive holdings of LGBT periodicals is found at the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives their holdings are listed in ALGA Periodicals Collection Catalogue.